After long winters, summer is always the prime time in Jackson Hole. Since returning home in June, after my fantastic international travel to Singapore and various countries, I’ve spent most of the summer cooking, eating and having fun. Family and friend visits, dinner parties and going to plays, visiting farmers’ markets and tending my vegetable garden kept me busy.  There is so much going on here in this town and obviously I can find many excuses not to write.

Someone I met today reminded me that I should continue my writing.

Today I volunteered to help out for the annual peach sale at the Presbyterian church. A lady there buying peaches said to me: You are Kelly Peterson?  Yes, I said.

And your husband is Dr. Dan Peterson isn’t he? I replied yes.

She said: I’m on your Facebook, and I attended one of Dr. Peterson’s talks. It was good.

Gladly, I said: Thank you. And she said with a smile: I need help.

While walking her to the car and loading the boxes of peaches for her, she said again: I do need help.

I smiled and replied: Feel free to call me for a tea and we can chat.

For a while, I have wondered who would really read my blog or anything I share on Facebook? Is anyone really interested in what I share? The last two weeks, I also have been wondering who is going to read my book. Would anyone be interested at all? Is it worth my time?

Today, this lady reminded me that there are people who are reading what I have been sharing. I don’t need to worry about who is going to read my book. As long as I do my part with the greatest care, someone, somewhere who needs it will find it beneficial. And it will all be worth it.

So, I have decided to write the book. 🙂


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