Finally, our ebook The Asian Low Carb Secret was officially launch on the 6th February 2015!
It is now available on Amazon here.
On the 19th of December 2014, the book was made available for pre-order. And it was listed #1 best seller for Asian Cooking the following day! Thanks to our friends on social media who given us your encouragement in such a big way! Thank you!
It was indeed a very exciting way to end the year of 2014!
Since then, we have received compliment from readers on how they really enjoy our stories in the book. It has made them smile and teared. Besides the many delicious low carb recipes, the methods and tips are simple to understand and apply.
We hope you will enjoy the ebook too!
In support of the research project for Ketogenic for Cancer, 50% profit from the ebook will be donated to the Nutrition and Metabolism Society (NMS)
Thank you for your donation by buying our ebook!
Please share it with your friends!