This recipe was from America’s Test Kitchen.  This would be a good prepare ahead snack for those who need a snack during the day. Coupled with some crispy bacon would be a perfect lunch or snack anytime of the day.

And this article was posted on ;

‘Cooking soft-boiled eggs is usually a matter of careful timing and not too much heat. It can be hit-or-miss, so the folks at America’s Test Kitchen wanted a more repeatable method that worked every time. The secret? Way less water than you think—about a half-inch, tops.

The video above is a little long, but it explains the process. Because the beauty of a soft boiled egg is a firm white but a soft yolk, you have to take care with temperature. The whites of an egg set at 180 degrees F (82 degrees C) while the yolk will cook through if it gets past 158 degrees F (70 degrees C). It seems like a catch 22, but the fix is to instead use only a half-inch of boiling water (which will re-boil quickly as you add cold eggs to it) in a covered pan, and let most of the egg rest in the steam coming off of that water, which, as steam is, is a regular and constant 212 degrees F (100 degrees C). This lets the eggs cook really quickly without giving the yolk time to set up.

You’ll want to use cold, large eggs—and the recipe will work for two, six, however many eggs you want to cook. Six and a half minutes in the half-inch of water, and that’s all there is to it. Hit the video to see the whole system work, and hear a more scientific description of how the process works.’

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