How to Succeed on a Low Carb, Ketogenic Diet
Following a low carb, ketogenic diet is a big change for most people. A lot of the foods you grew up eating as a child are gone, and that can be difficult. In order to ensure you make a smooth transition, we’ve compiled our best tips on how to succeed on a low carb, ketogenic diet. One of the great aspects of a low-carb ketogenic diet is that you have much less of an appetite for food. You will be hungry, but your hunger won’t turn into dizziness, fatigue, or crankiness. Over time, you’ll be able to go for a long period of time without food, allowing you to have more time for yourself every day. So how do you get started? First, let’s go over the foods on a ketogenic diet.
What Foods Should I Eat On A Ketogenic Diet?
Meats/Animal Protein: Beef, lamb, goat, pork, game meat, eggs, chicken, duck, goose, etc. If possible, buy only organic naturally raised or grass fed, grass finished meat. Seafood: Shellfish and fish including crab, lobster, prawns, clams, etc. and all fish like salmon, mackerel and herring are the best with omega-3. *Make sure the seafood is not breaded or flour coated. Fats/Oils: Grass fed butter, olive oil, coconut oil, lard and avocado. Dairy Cream, high fat cheese, non-flavored greek yogurt Nuts/Seeds Almost all nuts are good except peanuts. Limit yourself to ½ cup per day. Fruits Only eat berries, avocado, lemon and limes. Be sure to limit yourself so you remain in ketosis. Look here for the Low Carb Food List Note: Diabetics should aim to keep carb intake below 20g and protein below 60g per day. The ratio of macronutrients intake daily should look like this: 80% fat, 15% protein and 5% carb.
Food to Avoid
Sugar Soft drinks, candy, juice, sports drinks, packaged sweet teas, breakfast cereals, bagels, cake, bread, buns, pastries, white and milk chocolate, ice-cream, sorbet, fruit jam, sweet spreads, honey and syrup. Preferably avoid artificial sweeteners and agave nectar. Starch Rice, noodles, pasta, potatoes, corn, bread, French fries, chips, porridge, oat, muesli, couscous etc. Root vegetables like onion and carrots etc. are better eaten in very small amounts. Beer Beer is rapidly absorbed as sugar by your body and will kick you out of ketosis quick. Unhealthy Fats Trans fats, which are “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” fats that are found in most commercially packaged products. Margarine is an industrial imitation of butter, vegetable oil, corn oil with an unnaturally high content of omega-6, which promotes inflammation, asthma, allergies and other inflammatory diseases.
Typical Meals
Some people only eat 2 meals per day after they adjust to a ketogenic diet, but feel free to eat according to your activity levels. Breakfast:
- 3 whole eggs any style cooked with 1 tablespoon butter
- 4 slices of crispy bacon
- ½ cup blackberries drizzled with 1 tablespoon heavy cream
- 1 cup tea with 1 tablespoon of cream
- 1 glass of water with lemon slice
*This meal contains approx. 5 g carb, 36.2 g protein, 53.4 g fat. Lunch:
- 3 ounces (85g) chicken with skin 2 cups spinach salad with shaved cheddar cheese, olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette dressings.
- 1 cup chicken broth
- 1 cup of tea with 1 tablespoon of cream
- 1 glass of water with lemon slice
*This meal contains approx. 2.7 g carb, 33.9 g protein, 54.2 g fat. Snack:
- 1 cup of coffee with 1 tablespoon of heavy cream 1 ounce (22 kernels) pecan nuts
*This snack contains approx. 1.12 g carb, 1.91 g protein, 18.25 g fat. Dinner:
- 6 ounces (170g) pork chop with fat intact, grilled or roasted with 1 tablespoon of butter
- 2 cups cooked broccoli with bacon grease
- 1 glass of dry red wine 1 glass of water with lemon slice
*This meal contains approx. 13.3 g carb, 39 g protein, 46.4 g fat. For more ketogenic recipe ideas, take a look at our Low Carb Recipe Library.
Success Stories
Andrew Scarborough was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 27. He was getting headaches and feeling really tired, but then he came across the ketogenic diet. After a bit of tweaking, he’s been able to reduce his symptoms and lose weight. He’ll now live longer as a result of this lifestyle modification. It’s pretty amazing to me when I hear these stories…I love how simply changing one’s diet can cause such drastic changes! And the best part is, that it is one of many great stories of what a ketogenic diet can do for people. More success stories are in our support group ‘Love Low Carb High Fat Ketogenic’
Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet
When you eat the Standard American Diet, your body burns glucose, also known as sugar, for fuel. But when you switch to eating a low carb ketogenic diet, your body burns ketones for fuel along with minor amounts of glucose (sugar). Ketones are what your body burns when you eat more fat than carbohydrates or protein. This causes a change in how your cells produce energy, which causes you to burn fat faster and feel awesome. What kind of benefits do you feel because of these changes?
- Less of an appetite
- Lower blood pressure
- A drop in triglycerides
- Increase in HDL Cholesterol
- Changes in your sleep patterns
- Drop in fasting blood sugar and fasting insulin levels
- Better focus
- Better memory
- Clearer thinking
- Weight loss
- Mood stabilization
- Freedom from low blood sugar, mood swings, food fixations and sugar cravings
- Reduced inflammation
- and many more benefits…
It almost sounds too good to be true when I think about all those benefits, but I guess that’s what you get when you eat in alignment with nature.
Where Can I Learn More About the Ketogenic Diet?
We’ve put together a FREE EBOOK for you called Easy Low Carb Solutions! It goes more in depth about how you can succeed on a ketogenic diet, giving more meal plans, food measurements and more. If you want to lose weight, think clearer, and just plain feel better, download our ebook here.
Frequently Asked Questions 
What is a ketogenic diet? And how does it work?
We’ve written a blog post all about that. Click here for more information.
Why would I want to lower the amount of carbohydrates I eat?
Excess carbohydrate consumption causes a lot of problems in the human body, such as inflammation, insulin resistance, high triglycerides, brain fog, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, yeast infections, and more. By reducing the amount of carbohydrates, many of these problems can be reduced or eliminated for some people. It’s not that carbohydrates are bad for you…….excessive carbohydrates are bad for you.
How many grams of carbohydrate will get me into ketosis?
50 grams or lower is where most people get into ketosis, though some people will have to go as low as 20 grams. Very active athletes might need up to 175 grams. Ben Greenfield covers how athletes can succeed on a ketogenic diet in depth on his blog.
How long does it take to get into ketosis?
Anywhere from 1 week to a few months, though there are rare cases where it might take someone 6 or more months.
How can I tell if I am in ketosis?
You will need to test to see. Using a blood ketone meter to see the amount of ketones in your blood is the most accurate method. The readings will be as follows: Light Ketosis: 0.5 mmol/L – 0.8 mmol/L Medium Ketosis: 0.9 mmol/L – 1.4 mmol/L Deep Ketosis: 1.5 mmol/L – 3.0 mmol/L
How do I test to see if I am in ketosis?
The best way to know if you are in ketosis is to test using one of the following tools…
- The Ketonix: This tells you the amount of ketone levels in the breath.
- Ketostix: Urine test strips to determine if you are in ketosis or not.
- Precision Xtra NFR Blood Glucose Monitoring System: With this tool you can test ketones and blood glucose through your blood. It does require you to prick your finger. This can be quite expensive.
Testing through a urine sample by using Ketostix is not a very accurate way to test because it measures acetone, not Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), which is the main ketone used by the body. Blood ketone meters test for BHB.
How should I track my macronutrient intake?
Use an app such as Cronometer or MyFitnessPal.
Is it necessary to count calories?
No. If you are eating foods that your body is biologically adapted to and you eat until you are satiated, you will generally lose weight at a healthy rate. Most people have less of an appetite on the ketogenic diet anyways, so the number of calories they eat generally reduces.
Isn’t weight loss just calories in VS calories out?
No. Sadly, this news continues to be passed around, but it’s not the case when you are eating quality food. For an in-depth look at why this is, check out this post by Authority Nutrition.
Should I count net carb or total carb?
It depends. Everyone tolerates carbohydrates differently so it’s best to try out both methods and see what works best for you. For those of you who don’t know, net carbs are the total amount of carbs after you take out the fiber, since fiber counts as a carbohydrate. The fiber content listed on a nutrition label refers to the sum of both soluble and insoluble fiber, therefore, you should add 50% of the fiber content to the net carb.
Don’t we need carb to fuel our body?
No. The body only requires carbohydrates in trace amounts for some specific functions. In fact, the brain and muscles actually PREFER to run on ketones! If you were to only eat protein and fat and no carbohydrate, the body would make it’s own glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis.
Why can’t I just eat everything in moderation?
If you are continuing to eat the Standard American Diet, then eating in moderation will not help you get better, in fact you will continue to be sick. Eating the Standard American Diet, where anything and everything goes, means that you will be exposing yourself to a wide variety of toxic chemicals on a daily basis, and there is no healthy dose of toxic chemicals. Until you cut out the foods that humans were never designed to eat in the first place, you will continue to suffer from health problems.
Do I have to eat a lot of protein?
Nope! In fact, eating too much protein will kick you out of ketosis because excess protein will get converted to glucose. The general recommendation is to eat 0.45g of protein per 1lb of body weight, or 1g of protein per 1kg of body weight.
I’m not overweight. Will eating the ketogenic diet benefit me?
Even if you’re not overweight, that doesn’t mean your body is at optimal health. Often times, people that look healthy on the outside have issues going on underneath the surface. Take Andrew Scarborough for example. He looked great on the outside and thought he was healthy, until he found out that he had a brain tumor. If you are skinny, you can enjoy all the other benefits of a low carbohydrate diet, such as improved cognition, better memory, reduced inflammation, and the ability to go for long periods of time without food. Also, if you are an athlete then eating low carb will give you a huge edge against people who eat a high carbohydrate diet because you won’t be as dependent on fuel. When you are fat adapted you can go for much longer periods without food, but when you are dependent on carbohydrates for fuel, you need to eat very frequently. Would you rather be sucking down packets of sugar every hour or running 80 miles on an empty stomach like Ultra Marathoner, Barry Murray?
I exercise, should I be worried?
Exercise is great as long as you aren’t overdoing it! Here’s a comprehensive post by Ben Greenfield that will tell you how to fuel yourself on a ketogenic diet if you are an athlete.
Why can’t I eat low fat and lose weight faster?
Because a low fat diet by definition is an unhealthy diet! When you eat a low fat diet, you deprive your body of a necessary fuel…FAT! The body, in it’s wisdom looks to keep you healthy so it starts converting glucose into cholesterol to be used by your body. Problem is, triglycerides get produced in the meantime, which means you are at a higher risk for heart disease. Not only that, the constant blood sugar swings you get from a low fat diet create more inflammation. Inflammation + High Triglycerides = Poor Cardiovascular Health When you provide your body with the fat it needs, cholesterol does not need to be produced by your body, so triglycerides don’t get produced in such high amounts.
But isn’t saturated fat unhealthy? Won’t it raise my cholesterol? What about heart attacks from all this fat?
Saturated fats have been consumed by humans for as long as we have existed. The Lipid Hypothesis proposed in the mid-1900s claimed that saturated fat and cholesterol was unhealthy for human consumption, saying that it caused heart disease. Since that time, we’ve compiled an overwhelming amount of research that shows that saturated fats do not actually promote heart disease. In fact, many people (myself included) have been experimenting with eating large amounts of saturated fat, and their blood results show that they are actually IMPROVING their cholesterol numbers. See the articles we have archive here.
Are there any dangers to a ketogenic diet?
Some people, despite their best efforts do not function optimally on a ketogenic diet. Until we have more scientific data about why they are not functioning well on this type of diet, I think it’s safe to say that they should add healthy carbohydrates back into their diet if it helps them to feel better.
Won’t I be deficient in some kind of nutrient by not eating carbs?
Nope. There is currently no sufficient evidence to support this.
Can I eat a ketogenic diet if I am diabetic?
Most diabetics are actually able to manage their diabetes through a ketogenic diet. There are many successful examples in both this Facebook support groups I’m helping: Love Low Carb High Fat Ketogenic Reversing Diabetes If you are going to try a ketogenic diet to help your diabetes, make sure you work with a doctor.
Is a ketogenic diet going to cost me more than the way I eat now?
Nope! It might cost you a slight bit more, but it doesn’t have to. I personally could spend no more than $10 per day, and I eat great ketogenic meals everyday! The reason a ketogenic diet will cost you more is because organic foods cost more than conventional foods since they take a lot more time and care to produce. That being said, if you can’t afford organic foods because of your budget, it is okay to continue to purchase conventional meats and produce. That’s still a lot better than eating the Standard American Diet. Here’s a breakdown of a meal by price:
- 4 eggs at $1
- 2 tablespoons butter at $0.50
- Veggies at $1
This meal only costs you only $2.50! AND it is PACKED with vitamins and minerals! If you replace the eggs with another source of protein like meat or salmon, it will only cost $1 to $3 more!
What if my family/friends/spouse are not supportive of my decision?
Provide them with evidence for why you are doing what you are doing. Humans need rational evidence to make big changes, especially when it comes to our health. If your friends are unwilling to even consider the evidence you put in front of them, then you can’t really do much other than show them your diet works by “walking the walk”. When they see you losing weight and feeling better, they may open up to what you are doing. That being said, it’s important to remember that not everybody is going to be happy that you are taking action to improve your life. Don’t worry about what they say though! Continue to work hard to make yourself healthy!
What do I eat in social situations?
When you are going out to eat, you still need to choose foods that are on the ketogenic diet. The majority of restaurants offer some sort of meat/seafood and vegetable dish. If they don’t, you’ll almost definitely be able to get eggs or a salad almost anywhere you go. Don’t forget ask for a big side of butter or olive oil to go along with your meal! When you have friends over to eat, cook them an amazing ketogenic meal and show them how awesome eating healthy can be! If you are over someone else’s house and they are serving foods that you are unwilling or unable to eat, just politely decline and let them know why. Usually, I will inform my friends what I do not eat before hand.
How do I eat ketogenic while traveling?
Traveling isn’t as hard as it may sound at first. Sure, you can’t pick up food EVERYWHERE like you used to be able to, but you’ll be able to find healthy food within close proximity wherever you are. First, to avoid not having any food while traveling, bring some of the following travel friendly keto foods with you:
- Avocados
- Nuts/Seeds
- Sardines or other canned seafood
- Beef Jerky
- Cheese
You can combine these foods to create a meal when you don’t have the time to stop and prepare a meal for yourself, or if you are in a rush.
What if my MD tells me this kind of diet is bad for me?
There is a substantial amount of evidence that show that high fat diets are helping people to heal from all sorts of diseases, so simply saying the ketogenic diet is bad means that your doctor either hasn’t seen the evidence or is completely unwilling to look at it. If he hasn’t seen the evidence and is open to learning more about it, he’ll likely ask you some questions about why you are doing what you are doing, and will even look into it for himself. If he hasn’t seen the evidence and doesn’t care to, he’ll likely just continue to push his beliefs on you and tell you that what you are doing is unhealthy. If this is the case, then this is not a doctor that actually cares about your health. Why do I say that? Because any doctor who is looking to help his patients cannot deny a substantial body of evidence, especially when it is giving positive results to people. Also, it’s important to remember that in medical school, very little is taught on nutrition. Doctor’s have a lot to learn, and 99% of them do not have a developed understanding of nutrition, because they just plain weren’t taught it. Here are some places to begin looking for doctors:
Getting a doctor who cares about what you eat is difficult, and it could cost you more, but your health is worth it. Would you rather pay upfront for your health now or wait until you get sick and end up paying more and feeling like crap?
What are the consequences of not doing a ketogenic diet?
At this point, it’s impossible to say. There is a lot of evidence that shows how the ketogenic diet can help a variety of diseases like obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and more, but until we gather more data on larger group populations, I can’t say with 100% certainty that the ketogenic diet is the only way to get better to every person. What I can say with 100% certainty is that A LOT of people are getting results with this type of diet. The only way to find out if it works for you is to try it out.
I’ve just gone low carb and feel awful! What’s up with that?
You are experiencing what is called “the low carb flu”, my friend… Some people take anywhere from 1 week to a few months to fully adjust to burning fat for fuel instead of sugar. They’ll generally experience mild fatigue, slower thinking, nausea, sometimes headaches or dizziness, but it usually passes within a week. Don’t push yourself too hard because you think it’s part of the low carb flu. If you really feel horrible, it might be better to add in some more carbs and slow your transition into ketosis. Be sure to monitor your blood and ketones during this time to make sure your blood sugar doesn’t go too low.
Is salt dangerous?
No. In fact, some people become depleted in sodium when on the ketogenic diet and they feel better taking 1 teaspoon or 2 of salt as a supplement during the day.
Why don’t I have an appetite anymore?
When your body is adapted to burning fat, your blood sugar will be more stable than it was when it was adapted to burning glucose for fuel. Eating a high carbohydrate diet means that your blood sugar will fluctuate frequently. If you are unhealthy, it will spike up after you eat then crash down an hour or two later. This is where the majority of people are at. Low blood sugar sends your brain a signal that you need to eat. When your blood sugar is stable from eating more fat and less carbs, you don’t feel hungry as often. Eating fat is like putting a big log on a fire that burns long and slow. Eating sugar is similar putting tinder on the fire, it burns up quickly and you need to tend to it to keep it going.
Can I drink alcohol on a ketogenic diet?
Wine and vodka are okay in moderate amounts for people that are in good health, but only if you make sure to monitor your ketones to make sure you are staying in ketosis. If you are sick, laying off alcohol for a while will help you heal faster, and is mandatory in some cases.
Can I eat fruit?
Only eat berries, avocado, lemon and limes. Be sure to limit yourself so you remain in ketosis.
Are there any hidden carbs in food and drink?
Yes! Make sure you read labels. If you are unsure, ditch it.
How many eggs a day can I eat?
If you are not allergic, then eat as many as you want.
Are there any healthy sugars I can still eat?
Even small amounts of sugar can kick most people out of ketosis. It’s best to avoid sugar if you are looking to stay in ketosis.
Can I still drink diet soda?
No! Diet soda contains aspartame and other toxic chemicals that literally change your gut bacteria overnight. Stay away from all soda if you want to be healthy!
I stopped losing weight. What can I do?
- Are you managing your stress? If you’re not managing your stress levels, then eating healthy can only take you so far. Stress is a necessary part of life, but when you are constantly under stress, your body begins to malfunction and you start feeling crappy and getting fat.
- Are you working out too much? Working out too much can increase cortisol levels, which will keep fat on your body to help you survive.
- Prioritize sleep! If you aren’t getting enough sleep at night, you are not going to lose weight, period.
- How many carbohydrates are you eating? If none of the above tips work, try reducing the amount of carbs you are eating by 10g for a week and see if anything happens.
Can I eat too much fat?
For sure. Even though fat is good for you, your body can only process so much food at once. You’ll know if you eat too much fat because you will get diarrhea or greasy stools, also known as “disaster pants” in the low carb community.
What supplements should I take?
This is different for EVERYBODY. To determine what supplements are best for you, you’ll need to get a comprehensive blood panel done so your doctor can tell you where you stand. Once you know where your body is at, your doctor should be able to tell you which supplements can help you. That being said, just about everyone could benefit from taking some form of Magnesium. Be sure to get your supplements from quality sources like Life Extension, Jarrow, and other pharmaceutical grade companies.
Can I eat carbs again after I lose the weight?
This is a controversial topic, and there is no concrete evidence to suggest what would be the best approach yet. Why would you want to eat carb again when you’ve already learned that is bad for your body. That being said, some people may never be able to eat carbohydrates again because they have specific diseases that carbohydrates exacerbate.
Why can’t I eat all grains? Can’t I just go gluten-free?
Gluten free is not low carb. Due to the poor diets we’ve all grown up eating, a toxic environment, and genetically modified grains, a large portion of the population has autoimmune responses to grain. This causes their bodies to send out harmful inflammatory chemicals in response to the grain. Eliminating grains allows inflammation to calm down. Since inflammation is a part of every disease, reducing it is quite important. The problem with eating grains just once in awhile is that eating a food you are allergic to can cause negative reactions for up to 6 weeks…not something to mess around with in my opinion.
Do you get hypothyroidism on a very low carb diet?
There are lots of rumors about thyroid problems on a low carb diet. Some people like Ben Greenfield and Chris Kresser say that they have seen issues with thyroid on low carb diets, while others like Jimmy Moore do not. Your best bet is to test out the diet for yourself and see if your thyroid numbers improve.
I get constipation. What to do?
- Are you drinking enough water? Dehydration is the cause of a lot of constipation nowadays.
- Are you eating enough vegetables? Add in some more vegetables and see what happens.
- Give up nuts for a period of time
- Get a Magnesium citrate supplement
Can I eat the low carb diet if I have gallstones?
This is a pretty controversial subject… At this point in time there is no concrete scientific evidence that gallstones improve on a low carb diet. There has, however, been a study done in Sweden that surveyed 145 people who were on a low carb diet to see how if affected their gallstone problems. Astoundingly, 66% of the people surveyed noticed that their gallstones COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED! This is big news, but until we research into this further, there is not enough evidence to say with 100% certainty.
Will the ketogenic diet cause gout or high uric acid levels?
There are no known cases of gout from eating a ketogenic diet. For a theory behind why this might be, check out Chris Kresser’s post. Dr. Steven Phinney and Dr. Richard Johnson discussion on this: Ketones, Uric Acid, High Fat and Health.
Will I get cancer from eating red meat?
There is no sufficient evidence to prove this at the moment, and considering the fact that humans have been eating red meat for as long as we’ve existed, I bet you’ll be okay.
What are the best oils?
All of these oils contain saturated fat and can be cooked at higher temperatures.
- Butter
- Ghee
- Coconut Oil
- Lard
- Tallow
- Duck Fat
- Macadamia Nut Oil
It’s important to use olive oil at a low heat because you can damage the omega-3 fatty acids in it.
Which butter is the best?
Grass fed butter is the best choice. It contains:
- vitamins A, D, K1, & K2, which are essential fat soluble vitamins.
- conjugated linoleic acid, which aids in weight loss, has anti-cancer properties, and other health benefits.
- butyrate, an anti-inflammatory fatty acid.
If you get butter that’s grain fed, you’re getting less of all of these nutrients. If your budget’s tight, and you need to opt for grain fed, go for it, just know that it’s not the best option for you. You’ll find grass fed butter at your local farmer’s market or your local grocery store. Kerrygold is a popular brand that you’ll find at many grocery stores. If you can’t find grass fed butter locally, you purchase it online at US Wellness Meats.
Is a protein shake as healthy as meat protein?
If you’re eating a low carb or ketogenic diet, you are able to get all the protein you need through the food you eat. Supplementing with whey protein, hemp protein, or beef gelatin can be a good way to get added protein for growth and repair. If you’re going to supplement with a protein powder, be sure to test your blood sugar and ketones. Excess protein can kick you out of ketosis.
So how does beef protein differ from a protein powder such as whey?
A 100 gram serving of beef, pork, or lamb contains around 28 grams of protein. Cows, pigs, and lambs. These are ruminant animals, animals that get nutrients from plants by fermenting them in the rumen, a specialized stomach, prior to digestion. Ruminants are nutrient dense sources of food. Their muscle meat contains…
- all 22 essential amino acids
- loads of vitamins and minerals
- saturated fat
- conjugated linoleic acid
Whey protein is a mixture of globular proteins isolated from whey, which is the liquid by-product of cheese production. Grass fed dairy is also a very nutrient dense source of food, but whey protein itself has had lots of the vitamins and minerals removed, and depending on the type, it could have the lactose and fat removed as well. Whey concentrates contain small amounts of carbohydrates in the form of lactose, some a small amount of fat, along and lots of protein. Whey isolates have the fat and lactose removed and are lower in protein. Removing vitamins, minerals, fats, and lactose does not make whey bad… it’s still a great supplement for building muscle and improving glutathione levels. One advantage of whey protein is how fast you can digest it. Whey is great to use right before a workout because your body can quickly get the amino acids it needs, rather than having to wait a few hours to digest and assimilate a whole food such as beef.
For the rest of your protein needs, be sure to eat enough quality animal products.
Why do I gain back a few pounds after losing weight after 8 months eating low carb or ketogenic?
There could be a lot of reasons you are gaining weight, many of them unrelated to your diet.
- You’re constantly stressed – Give yourself time to relax and play. It’s a requirement. When you’re stressed. Your cortisol levels get high, which causes your body to hold on to weight.
- You’re still eating too many carbs – Are you eating 50 grams of carbs? Maybe you need to go lower.
- You’re eating too many calories – I’ve said that calories don’t count, but there can be too much of a good thing.
- You’re sleep deprived – Being sleep deprived alters your hormones and causes you to crave more food. Get 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
- You’re lazy and sit around all the time – Humans need movement everyday! Get off your butt and take a walk or lift some weights.
- You’re eating too many nuts – There are a moderate amount of carbs in nuts. Be sure you’re not overdoing it. Limit yourself to a 1/2 cup or less per day.
- You’re eating food you’re allergic to – Eating food you’re allergic too can ruin your hormones and make you fat.
- You’re living in a house with mold – Toxic mold also ruins your health and makes you fat.
- You’re hosting a parasite, yeast, or other pathogen – Humans have a diverse range of bacteria in their gut. When the good bacteria get taken over by the bad bacteria, health problems arise.
- You have a medical condition – If you have a medical condition, it might just take you a little more time to lose the weight. Be patient. Work with a doctor to make sure you are doing the best you can.