Want to give your employees an edge? Business corporations experience increased productivity and reduced employee sick leave when proper wellness is in place. Our KETO SHIFT™ program can help to reshape the conversation around the mind-set of health. We can also help provide guidance on better options for healthy food choices within in-house cafeterias. Learn how ketosis can increase concentration and focus, improving overall physical and mental health for your employees, customers, and yourself. Even the U.S. military is exploring “how ketosis could provide an edge” for their soldiers. Why shouldn’t you?
For more details about our service, please contact us HERE.

Are you a new, or existing, food establishment seeking to transition into serving healthy Keto-compliant menus?
We can help! We advise food establishments to include healthy and flavorful low carb Keto-compliant Eastern and/or Western meals, together with menu creation and team training/coaching. Customer will be assured that the food establishment’s low carb Keto menu is compliant.
To enquire for our services, contact us HERE.

Have a low carb keto product to reach your target customers?
That’s our specialty! Especially for American or European products that seeking the attention of the Asia market. Our team enjoy bringing good products to our continue growing keto community.
To enquire for our services, contact us HERE.
Nakaki – Japan #1 selling konjac rice and noodles

KETOMEI — the first Keto meal delivery service in Singapore

After giving birth to two children, Ms. Hoa, the founder of Easy Diet, found it challenging to go back to her normal weight and body shape. But when she began a low carb eating lifestyle — she’s in Kelly’s Keto Eat West™ Facebook group — Ms. Hoa returned to her normal healthy weight within only a short period of time! Amazed by her success, and also cognizant of the growing epidemic of diabetes and obesity, Ms. Hoa decided to start a business to help people lose weight and regain their health. After all, being overweight isn’t appealing within the culture of Vietnam. And since Vietnamese food is laden with sugar and starch, she wanted to provide a low carb food option while also meeting the growing demand of food delivery services in Vietnam.
Because eating low carb is totally new in the Vietnamese culture, Ms. Hoa hired award-winning KETO EAST cookbook author, Kelly Tan Peterson, as the Keto expert consultant from the U.S., to ensure Easy Diet’s menu items were Keto-compliant. Providing training materials, Kelly taught the entire Easy Diet team, including the chef, baker and consultants, about the science behind low carb and keto. This included guidance on how to use, or replace, the right ingredients based on their Vietnamese recipes, and providing them with low carb recipes to follow. With Kelly’s help, Easy Diet now serves a variety of low carb menu choices to meet different customers’ demands — all while retaining the culture and flavors of Vietnamese food.
Using the KETO SHIFT™ program, Easy Diet helped to train and reshape the mindset of their management and staff. Easy Diet also used KETO SHIFT™ to provide their customers with education and personal guidance on how to adopt the low carb way of eating to look and feel good. Ms. Hoa’s ultimate goal for her Easy Diet customers is to help them to lose weight, live healthy and finally enjoy their life!
Easy Diet now delivers more than 5,000 meals to customers weekly. They also provide daily meal deliveries to several major gym establishments in Ho Chi Minh city.

For more details on our services